I'm feeling fortunate to be on vacation the few weeks before I leave for DC. Today was a bit of a hectic and busy day. First thing this morning I had to go and get a 10 panel drug screen. It's required for my next rotation. I ended up going to anytimelabs.com. I was in and out in 20 min with my results in hand. It cost me $49 and I did not need a doctors order. As far as experiences go, this one was a very pleasant one.
Next it was off to Costco but since I had 30 min to burn until they opened, I ended up going to ROSS, the clothing store, and shopping around for shampoo and a new dress shirt. Most of you may not know but my family decided a year ago to start following the nutritarian lifestyle after being introduced to Dr. Fuhrman's book Eat to Live. I've wanted to share this experience in more detail but have been resistant for some reason. Maybe I've been afraid of failure. I'm not sure but after a solid year I think I'm ready to open up about it a bit more. I'll make a note to start sharing more about it. In the mean time if you want to know more please go here. It has been truly a life changing event and has given us incredible health, copious amounts of energy, better sleep, and a ton of weight loss. The one downside of loosing 40 + pounds is that I seem to be in constant need for new dress clothes. For a medical student on a budget that usually means frequent visits to ROSS.
Anyhow, today I had a BIG Costco trip planned so I could stock up our freezer and pantry for the family while I'm gone. It also gave me a chance to get large bags of nuts and seeds so I can take some with me. It was a busy day but extremely productive. Now I have to cook a few extra meals and freeze them to make my hubby's life easier on baby girls "swim days". T - 5 days till I leave. My chest aches and my eyes fill with tears every time I think about it. Being apart SUCKS! There I said it. Makes me feel like throwing a 2 year old temper tantrum.
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