Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Orientation and the first day of lectures

I have finished the first two days of school. It has been a lifestyle adjustment, and we are not completely comfortable yet. I have been riding my bicycle to and from campus, its about 6 miles total. It is a really nice way to start and end the day. Here is a summary of my first two days of MERP

Orientation day: The day began at 10am with introductions by all the staff and some of the professors. We then went over each class briefly and were given our schedules for the semester. We had lunch and went on a tour of the island. It was really nice to get oriented with our surroundings a bit more. After the tour we took care of the financial aid, hurricane awairdness, banking, student access cards and student ID cards. I was home at 5pm from orientation.

Day 1: We started right at 8am, 2 hours of anatomy followed by 2 enlightning hours of biochemistry.

I have school every day from 8 till noon. What i personally like to do afterwards is hit the library and study for another 4 or 5 hours then head home. The classes I am taking are anatomy/histology, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology/immunology. First quiz is April 28th, and the first test is May 14th.

That is it in a nutshell. BUSY...BUSY...BUSY.


Rinny said...

I hope you still find time to update your blog so we can keep up with y'all between phone calls. Will y'all have video capability on Skype?

MOM2MD said...

I'm going to do my best to post once per week.