Sunday, February 1, 2015

Back at work

It's been bitter sweet getting back to work. I've really enjoyed spending time and taking care of my patients and honestly, I really missed it while I was at home on leave. But...I am missing my baby boy terribly during the day. When we had Gabby, nearly 10 years ago, we were both working and after 6 weeks she had to go to daycare. It was horrible and I remember crying all the way to work after dropping her off at the center. I don't have this problem with Landon. I am so thankful that he gets to stay home with his daddy. It's truly a blessing having my husband take care of our children and be a stay at home dad. He seems to really enjoy it as well.

My first rotation back was an elective so I did two weeks in endocrinology and two weeks of allergy. I have to say I was surprised by how much I enjoyed my allergy rotation. I didn't realize all the things that allergists do and how relevant it is for me as a primary care doctor to have a better understanding of allergic disease and the treatment. I found this rotation to be exceptionally beneficial to me and hope to go back and spend some more time there.

So what's next? Well I start surgery tomorrow. Not entirely my favorite part of medicine but I look forward to he faster pace and variety of the rotation.

So what is the most challenging part of being back at work you might ask? Well honestly my little boy is mostly sleeping through the night now and if he does wake up my hubby quickly takes care of him so I am getting as much sleep as I can. I don't feel that new parent exhaustion that I remember feeling with Gabby. The hardest part for me is pumping during the day. Baby is exclusively breast fed so keeping up my milk supply is a must. Finding time during the day can be very challenging but we are managing so far. My employer is a huge supporter of breast is best so I have proper accommodations and resources. It's important to have that in order to be successful. Well that's it for now. Hope the New Year is treating you all well.


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